Recovered / Found Property
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office has recovered property in the County, either along the roadway, left at a business, obtained from a suspect, or turned in by a citizen.
WCSO is required to advertise this property for a minimum of 30 days in an attempt to locate the owner of said property.
Below are the items that are unclaimed at this time.
July 2016 a traffic stop leading to an arrest of a male subject for receiving stolen property, uncovered items of value, not belonging to the suspect. Those items are a circular saw, impact drill and reciprocating saw.
If you feel any of these items may be yours, please contact Deputy Loretta Parks at 740-376-7070 ext. 4132.
October 2016 a report was made from a citizen in Barlow Township regarding a burglary at a home. Numerous household items were removed from the home, and later recovered and returned to the owner. The two charged suspects were found to be in possession of misc. jewelry, wooden jewelry boxes, metal toolbox and various toys.
If you feel any of these items may be yours, please contact Deputy Loretta Parks at 740-376-7070 ext. 4132.
February 2018 a resident of Barlow Township advised that items of value were taken and a suspect was named. The subject in question was in fact charged with receiving stolen property. One item was not claimed in this theft being a ring with clear stones.
If you feel this item may be yours, please contact Deputy Loretta Parks at 740-376-7070 ext. 4132.
January 2020 a resident of Barlow Township reported items stolen and a suspect, later charged with breaking and entering, theft and burglary, was named. Property recovered was identified and returned, however left unclaimed were multiple knives and sheaths, clothing and watches, pool cues, misc. tools, fishing equipment and metal sign. These items were recovered in Waterford Township.
If you feel this item may be yours, please contact Deputy Loretta Parks at 740-376-7070 ext. 4132.