Washington County Sheriff’s Office, OH
Criminal Division
The men and women of the Criminal Division are the first to respond to your call for help. They are almost always the first to arrive on a scene and give aid and comfort to the injured. They often put themselves in harms way to stabilize a violent domestic call or to search a dark building for a dangerous suspect.
They pull victims out of burning buildings or give the life-saving breaths of CPR to the child they have just pulled out of a backyard swimming pool. Our officers serve and protect Washington County's citizens and often do it with little recognition or fanfare.
Are you interested in this exciting career?
Do you want to serve your county and belong to a team working to ensure justice?
If you are ready to apply, here’s where you begin.
Click on the “Apply Now” button below to save our application to your computer. Fill in all the required information and save it. When you are finished, e-mail info@wcso84.us and attach your newly filled-out PDF.
To be considered for employment, all applicants must complete the WCSO application (available below); however, feel free to upload your resume with your application.
DO NOT send your resume alone; you will not be considered for employment without completing our application.
Again, send your completed PDF and resume to info@wcso84.us