The mission of Washington County Sheriff’s Office Community Engagement is to enhance public safety by connecting law enforcement with citizens in our communities.
Seniors and Law Enforcement Together
Sheriff Warden started this unique program to assist seniors and their families with monthly voluntary home visits from members of the WCSO Reserve Unit. If you know someone interested in this program or have questions, please email info@wcso84.us and add “SALT” to the subject line.
This is an automatic system that calls senior citizens who have signed up for RU-OK alerts. The Sheriff’s Office dispatch then sends a deputy to the residence if the senior doesn’t respond.
If you or a loved one is interested in signing up for RU-OK, please send an email to: outreach@oneillcenter.com and add “RU-OK” in subject line.
Project Lifesaver
Project Lifesaver is a 501(C)(3) community-based, public safety, non-profit organization that provides law enforcement, fire/rescue, and caregivers with a program designed to protect and, when necessary, quickly locate individuals with cognitive disorders who are prone to the life-threatening behavior of wandering.
If you or a loved one is interested in signing up for Project Lifesaver, please email us at info@wcso84.us
Add “project lifesaver” in the subject line.
Cops 4 Kids
In December of each year, the Sheriff’s Office participates in “Cops 4 Kids”. This special event is where WCSO personnel take children shopping for clothing and toys. Selected children have experienced some traumatic event in their life during that year. Funding for this event comes from the Fraternal Order of Police Gold Star Lodge 188.
School Resource Officers (SROs)
School Resource Officers are sworn law enforcement officers responsible for school safety and crime prevention. Deputies with the Sheriff’s Office are located at numerous schools in Washington County.
S.A.F.E. Dispatch
This program, started by Sheriff Warden, aims to better equip first responders with the knowledge they need to provide more effective, compassionate, and tailored emergency assistance to those with specific medical or mental health issues. Click here for more information