5 Feb 2025

23 Jan 2025 Deputy Groves began an investigation in Warren Township regarding a dog bite.  This case remains under investigation.

23 Jan 2025 Deputy Wallace began an investigation in Belpre Township where items were stolen from a residence. 

23 Jan 2025 at approximately 2252 hours dispatch advised of a possible domestic violence call in Waterford Township.  While en route, Deputy Boyd was advised that the possible aggressor left the residence driving a white Ford F-150 with a water tank in the back. Contact was made with the complainant, who stated William Foss became upset when asked to sign some paperwork.  Foss had been drinking and the argument started with him throwing things throughout the house.  Foss also threw the complainant onto the couch and was in her face.  Foss obtained the complainant’s phone, while she was calling for help, and threw it at her, breaking the phone.  While speaking with the complainant, Lt. Johnson had made contact with Foss in a traffic stop.  Foss had bloodshot glassy eyes and the odor of an alcoholic beverage was present.  William Chase Foss, age 33, Beverly, OH, was advised he was being placed under arrest.  In the Foss vehicle were two open containers of alcohol.  When asked if he had been consuming alcohol, he stated he had been earlier.  A field sobriety test was administered at the Marietta PD with the results being .136 at 0035 hrs.  Foss was charged with operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, open container, disrupting public service, domestic violence and failure to obey a traffic control device.  Foss was transported to the Washington County Jail for processing.

25 Jan 2025 Deputy Gainer was dispatched to Waterford Township in reference to a domestic dispute complaint which occurred involving Douglas Woodall.  Deputy Gainer was advised that the two had been drinking alcoholic beverages and an argument began.  Woodall shoved the complainant to the ground and would not allow her to get up.  Woodall struck the complainant several times with an open and closed fist, in which she began swinging back at Woodall to defend herself.  During an attempt to phone for help, Woodall took the phone and threw it on the ground shattering it.  Woodall was gone from the residence upon law enforcement arriving, and his location was unknown.  Douglas Eric Woodall Jr., age 26, Waterford, OH, was arrested on 26 Jan 2025 and transported to the Washington County Jail charged with domestic violence and disrupting public service.

25 Jan 2025 Lt. Brown, along with other deputies were dispatched to Muskingum Township, SR 60, to a report of a male in the parking lot with a firearm. Contact was made with Kaleb Bennett.  It was determined that the firearm was an airsoft pistol and not a real working firearm.  Bennett was advised of his rights, which he understood.  Bennett advised he was there to visit a female and he thought she had taken items from his vehicle. In speaking with the female, she stated Bennett accused her of taking something from his truck and he threatened to knock her teeth out.  The female attempted to get out of the vehicle in which Bennett grabbed her arm.  The female was able to slip out of her jacket and got away from Bennett.  The jacket was observed in the vehicle.  The female stated she believed there may be a firearm in the truck.   Kaleb Michael Bennett, age 23, 213 Karry Circle, Delaware, OH, was placed under arrest and transported to the Washington County Jail for assault and unlawful restraint. 


News 6 Feb 2025


There is a possibility of freezing rain tonight